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What Code Issues Caused the CrowdStrike Outage?

This blog post takes a look at the potential code issues behind the recent global CrowdStrike outage.

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Visual Studio Code Security: Finding New Vulnerabilities in the NPM Integration (3/3)

It's time to wrap up our series on the security of Visual Studio Code with new vulnerabilities in the NPM integration, bypassing the Workspace Trust security feature.

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SonarQube 10.3 Release Announcement Image
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SonarQube 10.3 Release Announcement

The new SonarQube 10.3 release is out now, including Secrets Detection at the Source, Clean Code Taxonomy & Clean as You Code Updates, Automate Provisioning GitHub Projects and Teams, 2023 CWE Top 25 Report, the Blazor Framework, and Stronger Security.

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Visual Studio Code Security: Markdown Vulnerabilities in Third-Party Extensions (2/3)

We took a look at the security of the most popular code editor, Visual Studio Code! This blog post covers vulnerabilities our researchers discovered in third-party extensions.

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Sonar's Scoring on the Top 3 C# SAST Benchmarks

Sonar's Scoring on the Top 3 C# SAST Benchmarks

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Visual Studio Code Security: Deep Dive into Your Favorite Editor (1/3)

We took a look at the security of the most popular code editor, Visual Studio Code! This blog post covers common risks and attack surfaces so you know what to expect when using it.

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Linux Foundation Chat: Open Source & Clean Code

Linux Foundation Executive Director Jim Zemlin joins Sonar Founder and co-CEO Olivier Gaudin to discuss Clean Code, open-source development, cybersecurity, and more!

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get the most out of your sonarcloud trial blog feature
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9 Steps to get the most out of your SonarCloud Trial

To maximize the benefits of your SonarCloud trial, it's essential to approach the trial with a clear plan. Start a 14-day trial for your private projects & repositories completely free to get all the features of the application that you can get as a paid subscription.

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Shifting Right for Secure Platforms and DevOps

Dev tooling is not only helping shift issues left, but the tools also help identify issues that happen later, or to the right, in the development lifecycle. Like detecting secrets before they go into production or platform configuration issues.

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Highlights from Hexacon 2023

Last week, members of our AppSec and Vulnerability Research teams attended the Hexacon in Paris to learn, share, and network. Read more about our highlights.

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What is Clean Code?

If you’ve followed us for a while, you most likely noticed that we changed the way we describe what we do. It feels like in the last couple of years, we finally managed to settle on what we had been looking for from the beginning: Clean Code. But what is Clean Code, and what does it encompass?

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Security Vulnerabilities in CasaOS

We recently uncovered two critical code vulnerabilities in the personal cloud system CasaOS. Let's see what we can learn from them.

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