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What Code Issues Caused the CrowdStrike Outage?

This blog post takes a look at the potential code issues behind the recent global CrowdStrike outage.

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Sonar's Scoring on the Top 3 Python SAST Benchmarks

We're excited to share not only how Sonar performs on Python benchmarks but also the ground truth corresponding to the list of expected and not-so-expected issues.

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2024 DevOps Predictions from the Sonar Developer Advocate Team

The Developer Advocate team shares their predictions on what they foresee for DevOps trends and hot topics in 2024.

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2024 Security Predictions from the Sonar Research Team

Reflecting on changes in the industry over the past year, as well as the research we’ve published, the Sonar Vulnerability Research team came together and compiled our thoughts on what we foresee for cybersecurity in 2024.

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Sonar @ Black Hat Europe!

Last week, several SonarSourcers traveled to London to attend our third Black Hat event of the year. Here's what happened!

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pfSense Security: Sensing Code Vulnerabilities with SonarCloud

Our Clean Code solution SonarCloud discovered multiple vulnerabilities leading to remote code execution on pfSense CE 2.7.0. Let's see how SonarCloud found them and how it can keep your code clean.

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Spring framework pitfalls

Spring framework offers a lot of help in the development, but we still have to pay attention and make the right use of it in order to avoid some issues.

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 An artistic impression of nested code with a big red cross over the top right corner.
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Stop nesting ternaries in JavaScript

Nesting ternary operators makes code more complex and less clear. Let's investigate other ways to write conditional expressions.

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Unraveling the Costs of Bad Code in Software Development

Not only does bad code cost companies millions of dollars, but countless hours of lost time, productivity, and brand reputation too. By acknowledging the existence of bad code and implementing proactive measures to mitigate its impact, developers and organizations can steer software toward success.

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Image of preventing secrets in code
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Sonar keeps your secrets from leaking … unlike that "trusted" friend from grade school

What are hard coded secrets? Why do you care if secrets are hidden in your code? How does Sonar help prevent secrets from getting into your code, entering your repository, and leaking out from your CI/CD pipeline? In this post, Product Manager, Alex Gigleux, answers all your questions.

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Sonar is “On the Radar”: New Omdia Report

Omdia — an analyst firm that provides decades of industry experience, world-class research and consultancy, and actionable insights in over 200 markets — has published research about Sonar, our solutions, and recent innovations of deeper SAST and zero-configuration automatic analysis for C/C++. The research digs into why Sonar should be on your radar and also takes a look at the market view as well as from a current positioning.

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Top issues in Java projects

Let's dig into the projects using Java as language and see, according to what SonarLint telemetry shows, that there are still lots of issues that appear in the huge list of analyzed projects.

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