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What Code Issues Caused the CrowdStrike Outage?

This blog post takes a look at the potential code issues behind the recent global CrowdStrike outage.

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Reply to calc: The Attack Chain to Compromise Mailspring

Learn how an attacker can combine multiple security vulnerabilities to achieve arbitrary code execution on a victim that tries to reply or forward a malicious mail in Mailspring.

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SonarQube and PCI DSS 4.0
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Are You Ready For PCI DSS 4.0?

PCI DSS 3.2.1 is being retired on March 31, 2024. Are you ready for the new standard, PCI DSS 4.0?

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Increase readability with Java's Pattern Matching

Increase readability, reduce cognitive complexity, and avoid bugs that are hard to spot with Java's Pattern Matching.

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OpenNMS Vulnerabilities: Securing Code against Attackers’ Unexpected Ways

Learn which unexpected ways attackers may take to exploit code vulnerabilities and how to secure against them.

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White House emphasizes need for proactive coding practices to counter cyber attacks

The ONCD recent report puts a spotlight on one of the most foundational issues that result in insecure software. Sonar applauds the administration’s call for addressing software vulnerabilities at the programming language and source code levels.

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Sonar Reaffirms Strength of its Information Security Management Systems by Earning The Latest ISO Certification, ISO27001:2022

As part of our continuously advancing and improving security practice, we are pleased to announce that Sonar and its products are now certified to the latest version of the ISO72001 standard.

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How timely delivery comes from transparent outsourced software development communication

Ineffective communication impacts everything in software development. To ensure your next project meets expectations, transparent communication is essential for driving timely delivery when working with internal and external development teams.

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Blog Post

Builders, Withers, and Records - Java’s path to immutability

We know that immutable objects are easier to maintain, lead to fewer errors, and are multi-thread friendly. This article will show two different approaches to creating objects: Builders and Withers, along with a new type of immutable object in Java: Records

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Joomla: PHP Bug Introduces Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities

Our Clean Code solution, SonarCloud, led us to a severe security issue in the popular Content Management System Joomla.

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A stylistic Venn diagram
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Union, intersection, difference, and more are coming to JavaScript Sets

The JavaScript Set was introduced to the language in the ES2015 spec, but it has always seemed incomplete. That's about to change with the addition of functions like intersection, union and difference.

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The SonarQube and React logos
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Write cleaner React code with SonarQube 10.4

SonarQube 10.4 was recently released and it includes 48 new rules and one updated rule to help you to write clean code in your React applications.

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