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What Code Issues Caused the CrowdStrike Outage?

This blog post takes a look at the potential code issues behind the recent global CrowdStrike outage.

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Re-moo-te Code Execution in Mailcow: Always Sanitize Error Messages

Our research team discovered two vulnerabilities in mailcow, an email server solution. Attackers could compromise an instance, impersonate users, and steal emails.

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Integrating SonarCloud with Amazon CodeCatalyst for Code Analysis

Sonar recently announced the integration of SonarCloud with Amazon CodeCatalyst. This blog post guides you through integrating SonarCloud, a cloud-based Clean Code solution, with Amazon CodeCatalyst.

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An Open Letter to Sonar[Qube] Users

Sonar’s new President of Field Operations introduces herself and reiterates the company's continued commitment to enabling organizations to succeed.

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mXSS: The Vulnerability Hiding in Your Code

XSS is a well-known bug class, but a lesser-known yet effective variant called mXSS has emerged over the last couple of years. In this blog, we will cover the fundamentals of this XSS variant and examine how you can protect against it.

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Sonar Named Leader in G2 Spring Report

We are excited to share that the G2 Spring 2024 reports were recently released, and once again, Sonar has been named the LEADER in Static Code Analysis!

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Image of deeper SAST by Sonar
Blog post

Find Deeply Hidden Security Vulnerabilities with Deeper SAST by Sonar

This post delves into an actual Jenkins vulnerability to understand the intricacies of deeper SAST for detecting deeply hidden code vulnerabilities. It illustrates how deeper SAST works and explains its impact on keeping your code clean and free of these serious issues.

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Blog post

Parallel Code Security: The Challenge of Concurrency

Parallelism has been around for decades, but it is still a source of critical vulnerabilities nowadays. This blog post details a severe vulnerability in the remote desktop gateway Apache Guacamole, highlighting the security risks of parallelism.

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Blog post

Code Interoperability: The Hazards of Technological Variety

The rapid development of different technologies doesn’t come without risks. This blog post details a critical vulnerability in the remote desktop gateway Apache Guacamole, which showcases the challenges of code interoperability.

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Leveraging SonarQube, SonarCloud, and SonarLint for Effective Shift Left Practices

Speed and quality are no longer trade-offs in the modern software landscape - they're a tightly interwoven dance. That's where the "Shift Left" philosophy comes in, urging us to move critical checks and balances like code quality analysis earlier in the development lifecycle.

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Driving DevOps Transformation: Leveling Up CI/CD with Static Code Analysis

Unit and end-to-end testing are effective in ensuring features and functionality work properly, but what about code quality? How can we ensure that our code is reliable, maintainable, and secure? Enter static code analysis.

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Legacy Codebases are a DevOps Issue

Explore how DevOps principles and practices can transform the challenge of managing legacy code into an opportunity for improvement. This piece outlines actionable strategies for refactoring, the importance of automation, and adopting a 'Clean as You Code' approach to ensure sustainable code quality and efficiency.

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