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Sonar's Clean Code webinar series

These webinars are the perfect opportunity to hear in-depth insights about the benefits and methodology behind Clean Code, and our latest offerings, from the very teams that build our products.


Code Quality at Warp Speed: Powering Up Continuous Delivery with Static Code Analysis

In the fast-paced world of software development, we're always looking to get our cool new features out the door as quickly as possible. That's where Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) shine. But in our rush to deliver features faster, are we missing a quality step in our pipelines? 

In this webinar, we’ll discuss why testing is not enough and why, to truly deliver reliable value to our customers, we need to perform static code analysis. We’ll also examine static code analyzers, what they do, and how to implement them in our CI/CD pipeline.

  • Who this is intended for: Tech leads, Engineering managers
  • When: Wednesday, August 28th - 5 pm CEST / 10 am CDT
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A picture of peter mckee, the head of developer relations and community.