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What Code Issues Caused the CrowdStrike Outage?

This blog post takes a look at the potential code issues behind the recent global CrowdStrike outage.

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Java SAST Benchmarks: why you shouldn't trust them blindly

Java SAST Benchmarks: why you shouldn't trust them blindly

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Interview with Sonar Java Enthusiasts

Interview with Sonar Java Enthusiasts

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ISMG Interview - Securing Applications, Accelerating DevOps with Clean Code

Sonar founder and co-CEO, Olivier Gaudin, sits down with ISMG's Tom Field at Black Hat USA 2023 to discuss how development can be improved to avoid security issues.

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Why I’m passionate about Static Analysis and how I helped make it better

Why I’m passionate about Static Analysis and how I helped make it better

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A comprehensive guide to the dangers of Regular Expressions in JavaScript

A deep investigation into regular expression denial of service (ReDoS) vulnerabilities in JavaScript

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Unzipping Dangers: OpenRefine Zip Slip Vulnerability

Extracting archives can be very dangerous. Read more about a critical Zip Slip vulnerability SonarCloud detected in the open-source application OpenRefine.

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Sonar's Scoring on the Top 3 Java SAST Benchmarks
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Sonar's Scoring on the Top 3 Java SAST Benchmarks

Enhancing SAST Detection: Sonar's Scoring on the Top 3 Java SAST Benchmarks

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Source Code at Risk: Critical Code Vulnerability in CI/CD Platform TeamCity

Our Vulnerability Research team discovered a critical vulnerability in the popular CI/CD server TeamCity, which attackers could use to steal source code and poison build artifacts.

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Open Source Summit 2023

Open Source Summit 2023

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5 Clean Code Tips for Reducing Cognitive Complexity

Understanding how Cognitive Complexity works will help guide you on where to focus your time. This blog dives into how this Sonar-exclusive metric was formulated to accurately measure the relative understandability of methods.

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Remote Code Execution in Tutanota Desktop due to Code Flaw

Our Research team discovered critical code vulnerabilities in Proton Mail, Skiff, and Tutanota. This post covers an XSS vulnerability in Tutanota Desktop and how it can be prevented.

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