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What Code Issues Caused the CrowdStrike Outage?

This blog post takes a look at the potential code issues behind the recent global CrowdStrike outage.

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In this post we will examine the technical intrinsics of a critical vulnerability in the previous Moodle release (CVE-2018-1133).
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Evil Teacher: Code Injection in Moodle

In this post we will examine the technical intrinsics of a critical vulnerability in the previous Moodle release (CVE-2018-1133).

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Image shows various elements of code security, languages and bugs
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Import issues of your favorite linters in SonarCloud!

Over the past 2 weeks, the following new features were deployed on SonarCloud: import of issues from external linters with built-in support for TypeScript projects, support for the Go language, graceful handling of username change, first version of the GitHub Application, new rules for Python, Java and Swift

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Image shows various elements of code security, languages and bugs
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A Salesmans Code Execution: PrestaShop

PrestaShop is one of the most popular e-commerce solutions. We detected a highly critical vulnerability that allows to execute arbitrary code on any installation with version <= In this technical blog post we present the vulnerability and the exploitation technique that could have been misused by attackers (CVE-2018-20717).

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LimeSurvey 2.72.3 - Persistent XSS to Code Execution

We detected two vulnerabilities in LimeSurvey < 2.72.3: An unauthenticated persistent cross-site scripting vulnerability (CVE-2017-18358) and an authenticated arbitrary file write vulnerability which can be chained.

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Image shows various elements of code security, languages and bugs
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Joomla! 3.8.3: Privilege Escalation via SQL Injection

Joomla! is one of the biggest players in the market of content management systems and the second most used CMS on the web. We discovered a second-order SQL injection (CVE-2018-6376) that could be used by attackers to leverage lower permissions and to escalate them into full admin permissions on Joomla! prior version 3.8.4.

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Image shows various elements of code security, languages and bugs
Blog post

Why did my coverage just drop?!

After an upgrade people are sometimes surprised to find that the next analysis of a project with no real changes shows a significant drop in coverage. Believe it or not, that really is a feature, not a bug, and it's called Executable Lines.

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Image shows various elements of code security, languages and bugs
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CubeCart 6.1.12 - Admin Authentication Bypass

CubeCart is an open source e-commerce solution. In one of our latest security analysis we found two flaws in this web application that allow an attacker to circumvent the authentication mechanism required to login as an administrator (CVE-2018-20716).

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Image shows various elements of code security, languages and bugs
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Supporting analysis of .NET Core projects

Support for SonarQube analysis of projects in the new MSBuild v15 format has been one of the features most requested by the Microsoft community, now it's done !

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Shopware 5.3.3: PHP Object Instantiation to Blind XXE

Shopware is a popular e-commerce software that bases on Symfony, Doctrine and the Zend Framework. In this blog post we investigate the exploitation of a rare PHP object instantiation vulnerability (CVE-2017-18357).

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Joomla! is one of the most popular content management systems. We detected a previously unknown LDAP injection vulnerability in the login controller that could allow remote attackers to l...
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Joomla! 3.7.5 - Takeover in 20 Seconds with LDAP Injection

Joomla! is one of the most popular content management systems. We detected a previously unknown LDAP injection vulnerability in the login controller that could allow remote attackers to leak the super user password and to fully take over any Joomla! installation.

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SugarCRM's Security Diet - Multiple Vulnerabilities

SugarCRM is one of the most popular customer relationship management solutions. We uncovered critical security issues that could allow attackers to steal customer data or sensitive files from the server.

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