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What Code Issues Caused the CrowdStrike Outage?

This blog post takes a look at the potential code issues behind the recent global CrowdStrike outage.

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This blog post details how a combination of a Path Traversal and Local File Inclusion vulnerability lead to Remote Code Execution in the WordPress core (CVE-2019-8943). The vulnerability ...
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WordPress 5.0.0 Remote Code Execution

This blog post details how a combination of a Path Traversal and Local File Inclusion vulnerability lead to Remote Code Execution in the WordPress core (CVE-2019-8943). The vulnerability remained uncovered in the WordPress core for over 6 years.

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A recent Capture-The-Flag tournament hosted by Insomni’hack challenged participants to craft an attack payload for Drupal 7. This blog post will demonstrate our solution for a PHP Object ...
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CTF Writeup: Complex Drupal POP Chain

A recent Capture-The-Flag tournament hosted by Insomni’hack challenged participants to craft an attack payload for Drupal 7. This blog post will demonstrate our solution for a PHP Object Injection with a complex POP gadget chain.

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A logic flaw in the way WordPress created blog posts allowed attackers to access features only administrators were supposed to have (CVE-2018-20152). This lead to a Stored XSS and Object ...
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WordPress Privilege Escalation through Post Types

A logic flaw in the way WordPress created blog posts allowed attackers to access features only administrators were supposed to have (CVE-2018-20152). This lead to a Stored XSS and Object Injection in the WordPress core and more severe vulnerabilities in WordPress’s most popular plugins Contact Form 7 and Jetpack.

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A new PHP exploit technique affects the most famous forum software phpBB3. The vulnerability allows attackers who gain access to an administrator account to execute arbitrary PHP code and...
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phpBB 3.2.3: Phar Deserialization to RCE

A new PHP exploit technique affects the most famous forum software phpBB3. The vulnerability allows attackers who gain access to an administrator account to execute arbitrary PHP code and to take over the entire board (CVE-2018-19274).

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WordPress Design Flaw Leads to WooCommerce RCE

WordPress Design Flaw Leads to WooCommerce RCEA flaw in the way WordPress handles privileges can lead to a privilege escalation in plugins. This affects for example the popular WooCommerce.

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A very common and critical vulnerability in PHP applications is PHP Object Injection. This blog post explains how they work and how they can lead to a full site takeover by remote attackers.
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PHP Object Injection

A very common and critical vulnerability in PHP applications is PHP Object Injection. This blog post explains how they work and how they can lead to a full site takeover by remote attackers.

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Image shows various elements of code security, languages and bugs
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Fully Automated Promotion Pipelines with SonarQube and Artifactory

Catch builds constructed from poor quality code before they make it to production. Discover how to integrate Artifactory and SonarQube.

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Image shows various elements of code security, languages and bugs
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My Journey Interviewing with SonarSource...

What's it like to interview with SonarSource? Read on and find out!

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Last week a new exploitation technique for PHP applications was announced at the BlackHat USA conference. Find out everything you need to know in this blog post.
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What is Phar Deserialization

Last week a new exploitation technique for PHP applications was announced at the BlackHat USA conference. Find out everything you need to know in this blog post.

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Image shows various elements of code security, languages and bugs
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Protect your code against injection vulnerabilities with SonarCloud!

Injection security vulnerabilities (OWASP-A1) can run scared, as latest SonarCloud updates now provide advanced security checks to continuously detect them.

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In this blog post we introduce an authenticated arbitrary file deletion vulnerability (CVE-2018-20714) in the WordPress core that can lead to attackers executing arbitrary code.
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WordPress File Delete to Code Execution

In this blog post we introduce an authenticated arbitrary file deletion vulnerability (CVE-2018-20714) in the WordPress core that can lead to attackers executing arbitrary code.

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