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What Code Issues Caused the CrowdStrike Outage?

This blog post takes a look at the potential code issues behind the recent global CrowdStrike outage.

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In April 2021, we updated our JavaScript and TypeScript SAST engines to explore more execution flows, increase performance and improve overall accuracy. It now goes far beyond what we did...
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What to expect from JavaScript/TypeScript analysis on OWASP JuiceShop

In April 2021, we updated our JavaScript and TypeScript SAST engines to explore more execution flows, increase performance and improve overall accuracy. It now goes far beyond what we did in the past for these languages. With this post, we’re going to tell you what you can expect for these languages, and more specifically which vulnerabilities can be detected.

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SonarQube 8.9 Long Term Support (LTS) is officially here! Check out this list of tips & tricks on how to upgrade your environment from start to finish.
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SonarQube 8.9 LTS: 3 steps to a smooth upgrade

SonarQube 8.9 Long Term Support (LTS) is officially here! Check out this list of tips & tricks on how to upgrade your environment from start to finish.

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We recently discovered a vulnerability in Composer, the main package manager for PHP, and were able to use it to take over the central repository,
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PHP Supply Chain Attack on Composer

We recently discovered a vulnerability in Composer, the main package manager for PHP, and were able to use it to take over the central repository,

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In this blog post we analyze a XXE vulnerability that our analyzers discovered in WordPress, the most popular CMS, and what PHP 8 developers can learn from it.
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WordPress 5.7 XXE Vulnerability

In this blog post we analyze a XXE vulnerability that our analyzers discovered in WordPress, the most popular CMS, and what PHP 8 developers can learn from it.

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Our security research team discovered multiple code vulnerabilities in the NSA's Java application Emissary. Find out more about these issues and related attacks.
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Code Vulnerabilities in NSA Application Revealed

Our security research team discovered multiple code vulnerabilities in the NSA's Java application Emissary. Find out more about these issues and related attacks.

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Last September, we announced that mono-repository support was added for GitHub and Azure DevOps Services. The good news is: mono-repository support is now also available for Bitbucket Clo...
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Mono-repository support for Bitbucket Cloud now available for SonarCloud!

Last September, we announced that mono-repository support was added for GitHub and Azure DevOps Services. The good news is: mono-repository support is now also available for Bitbucket Cloud! See what it brings and how you can configure it in SonarCloud.

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My Support Engineer Journey at SonarSource

What does a Support Engineer do and how could it ever be interesting? Here we share more about a unique and rewarding journey in this role at SonarSource that will help you understand more about the job and opportunity.

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Today SonarSource is pleased to share a guest contribution to our Code Security blog series about learnings from a chain of serious vulnerabilities in MyBB.
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MyBB Remote Code Execution Chain

Today SonarSource is pleased to share a guest contribution to our Code Security blog series about learnings from a chain of serious vulnerabilities in MyBB.

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Our vulnerability researchers found critical code vulnerabilities in a popular Python application that can be exploited remotely, even when the application instance is hosted locally.
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Hack the Stack with LocalStack: Code Vulnerabilities Explained

Our vulnerability researchers found critical code vulnerabilities in a popular Python application that can be exploited remotely, even when the application instance is hosted locally.

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Due to the way regular expression matching is implemented in Java (and many other languages/libraries), matching a pattern may - depending on the regex - require stack space proportional ...
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Crafting regexes to avoid stack overflows

Due to the way regular expression matching is implemented in Java (and many other languages/libraries), matching a pattern may - depending on the regex - require stack space proportional to the length of the input. This means large inputs could cause the program to crash with a `StackOverflowException` when you try to use the regex.

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Regular expressions pack a lot of power into terse little packages and unfortunately that introduces a lot of room for error. This post talks about regex boundaries, another feature that ...
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Setting the right (regex) boundaries is important

Regular expressions pack a lot of power into terse little packages and unfortunately that introduces a lot of room for error. This post talks about regex boundaries, another feature that can lead to bugs when used incorrectly, and a rule of ours that can help you avoid such issues. it also covers about complexity and maintainability in regular expressions and our rule to help you find regular expressions that are too complex.

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