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June 07, 2024

SonarLint for IntelliJ v10.6

SonarLint for IntelliJ 10.6 adds support for CLion Nova and the Resharper C++ language and improves Connected Mode setup for C# projects in Visual Studio and Rider IDEs. You can learn more about how to share configurations between IDEs here.

  • For Python, we added 5 rules which mainly focus on the machine learning library Scikit-Learn.
  • C# received 7 new rules.

Also of note, To enforce security connection in the IDE as well as on SonarCloud and SonarQube, we are deprecating the authentication with login/password for the Connected Mode. We highly recommend using token authentication instead.

Discover more with our release notes and community announcement

April 30, 2024

SonarLint for IntelliJ v10.5

SonarLint for IntelliJ 10.5 enables enhanced collaboration by introducing a sharing Connected Mode setup among contributors and new rules.

Also of note, we are dropping support of NodeJS v16.

Discover more with our release notes and community announcement

March 20, 2024

SonarLint for IntelliJ v10.4

SonarLint for IntelliJ v10.4 introduces a new architecture that relocates the SonarLint business logic from the IDE to a background process and enhances IDE responsiveness.

In addition:

Find more details in our release notes and community announcement.

February 06, 2024

SonarLint for IntelliJ v10.3

SonarLint for IntelliJ v10.3 enhances the combined power of SonarLint and SonarQube while streamlining the setup process.

Now, a one-click connection setup and project binding option will be shown to a SonarLint for IntelliJ developer utilizing the SonarQube “Open in IDE” button to investigate an issue directly in their IntelliJ IDE. This functionality, which requires SonarQube v10.4, assists developers in rapidly examining and resolving issues using SonarLint directly in their IntelliJ IDE.

Plus, with their SonarLint for IntelliJ v10.3 connected to SonarQube v10.4, developers can now detect custom secrets in their code, directly in their IDE. Using custom rules based on secret patterns defined in SonarQube this allows developers to spot secrets before they can be leaked into repositories. (Requires SonarQube Enterprise or Data Center Edition).

Also using connected mode to SonarCloud or SonarQube v10.4, it is possible to mark an issue as “Accepted”. This results in the unresolved issue becoming part of the project’s technical debt.

In addition:

Find more details in our release notes and community announcement. For more details on how to set up connected mode check here.

January 05, 2024

SonarLint for IntelliJ v10.2

SonarLint for IntelliJ v10.2 introduces a set of rules to help you correctly configure your Kotlin DSL build script, acknowledging that Kotlin DSL is now the default for new Gradle builds.

Find more details in our release notes and community announcement.

December 18, 2023

SonarLint for IntelliJ v10.1

SonarLint for IntelliJ v10.1 delivers new rules across a variety of languages, plus insights into the additional team benefits available when using SonarLint in connected mode with SonarCloud and SonarQube.

New rules:

Find more details in our release notes and community announcement.

November 14, 2023

SonarLint for IntelliJ v10.0

SonarLint for IntelliJ v10.0 brings additional team benefits when using SonarLint in connected mode to SonarCloud and SonarQube.

Now, with SonarQube v10.3, you can open any issue you’re investigating in SonarQube directly into the IDE, with just a click of a button, thanks to connected mode. This allows you to leverage SonarLint’s dataflow navigation, rule descriptions, and quick fixes for efficient issue investigation and resolution.

Plus, when using connected mode to SonarCloud, any issue or status change (e.g. Won’t Fix, False Positive) made in SonarCloud will be instantly synchronized to your IDE, ensuring you can focus on relevant issues.


  • 6 Java rules dedicated to the Spring framework
  • 5 Python rules 2 for the Pandas library
  • Many new JavaScript and TypeScript rules for React

Lastly, the whole Sonar ecosystem will soon require Java 17 as a minimal runtime to analyze your projects. To satisfy this requirement in SonarLint for IntelliJ, we’re raising the minimum IDE version to IntelliJ 2022.3.1.

Find more details in our release notes and community announcement.

October 13, 2023

SonarLint for IntelliJ v9.1

SonarLint for IntelliJ v9.1 brings a new feature supporting the Sonar Clean as You Code methodology. Plus we have extra rules to detect secrets directly in the IDE, an enhancement to Quick Fixes, and new Python rules for Data Scientists!

SonarLint is pairing up with SonarQube and SonarCloud to deliver the “Focus on new code” feature. Enabled, this empowers you to focus only on issues in your new code (ie code that has been added or changed, according to your new code definition.) Supporting the Sonar Clean as You Code approach, this powerful feature is available when SonarLint is working together with SonarQube or SonarCloud in connected mode. Learn how here.

In addition, we have incorporated 42 new rules to detect secrets (API tokens, passwords) within your Cloud applications. This enables the immediate detection of secrets in your code as you add or copy/paste them, before you commit or push the code into a repository. This proactive approach not only boosts confidence in your code but also minimizes exposure.

This latest addition brings the total to 100 different types of secrets spanning 60 cloud providers.


  • An enhancement to Quick Fixes that allows you to preview the changes that will be generated in your code if you apply it.
  • 8 new Python rules (and 3 quick fixes) to help you write clean scientific code using NumPy
  • 12 new rules to write intentional and consistent Dockerfiles

Find more details in our release notes and community announcement.

September 06, 2023

SonarLint for IntelliJ v9.0

This busy release brings enhanced secret pattern detection, improved teamwork features together with SonarQube, plus the adoption of Clean Code attributes to categorize issues.

Leveraging a new Sonar open-source secret detection engine, this version delivers a powerful approach to identifying potential security vulnerabilities related to secrets (tokens, passwords, API keys). SonarLint now has the capability to detect secrets for an additional 22 popular cloud applications and providers.

In addition, for SonarQube 10.2 users, we’ve added the capability to change the status of issues that you are not going to fix in code that has yet to be analyzed by SonarQube.

Furthermore, we have introduced various product changes in line with our vision of Clean Code. SonarLint will now report the Clean Code attribute being infringed along with the Software qualities that are impacted.


Find more details in our release notes and community announcement.

August 17, 2023

SonarLint for IntelliJ v8.5

This packed release brings good news for PL/SQL developers, those developing .NET applications in Rider, and C and C++ users!

Firstly, we have added support for PL/SQL analysis in IDEA Ultimate, WebStorm, PyCharm Professional, DataGrip, and CLion. Available in connected mode with SonarCloud, or with a commercial edition of SonarQube, our rules will help you discover issues and write clean PL/SQL code.

We have also added new Date & Time rules for .NET. These cover a wide range of topics and common pitfalls, including time zone conventions, date parsing & formatting, and time arithmetic.

In addition, we’ve added many new MISRA C++ 2023 rules for those using CLion to support mission-critical software environments.


  • New rules for C and C++ to detect tricky bugs

Find more details in our release notes and community announcement.