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VS Code

June 29, 2023

SonarLint for VS Code v3.19

In SonarLint for VS Code v3.19, users can directly change the status of issues and hotspots in the IDE, plus analysis of COBOL is now available!

With this release we extend the benefits of connected mode further, enabling you to interact with the status of an issue or a Security Hotspot without leaving your IDE to:

  • Resolve an issue as Won't Fix or False Positive
  • Mark a Security Hotspot as Safe or Fixed following the review

Any changes made to the status of an issue or hotspot in VS Code will be synchronized with SonarQube, SonarCloud, and all other contributors using SonarLint in connected mode.

Additionally, we are introducing a beta version of COBOL analysis, now available for users connected to SonarCloud or to SonarQube (Enterprise edition or higher).


  • 5 new rules for core JavaScript & TypeScript concepts
  • Support for TypeScript 5

For further details, check out our release notes and community announcement.

VS Code

June 07, 2023

SonarLint for VS Code v3.18

SonarLint for VS Code v3.18 delivers support for Security Hotspots to SonarCloud users, plus enhancements to rule descriptions with syntax highlighting for code examples, and new TypeScript, Python, and Java rules.

With this release, as well as bringing support for Security Hotspots to SonarCloud users, we've introduced the ability to view a list of unreviewed Security Hotspots outside of the currently open file. Selecting the "In Whole Folder" option instructs SonarLint to scan every file in the folder currently open in VS Code, providing the opportunity to review all pending hotspots at one time. Discover more here.

In addition, to help developers understand and implement fixes based on contextual code examples, we've added syntax highlighting. Plus, for some rules, there is now code diff highlighting in our rule descriptions, which is being progressively rolled out across all rules.


  • A new Java rule linked to static methods introduced in Java 19
  • New rules for TypeScript that enhance our support for TS built-ins
  • 6 new Python rules for the Django framework

For further details, check out our release notes and community announcement.

VS Code

April 21, 2023

SonarLint for VS Code v3.17

SonarLint for VS Code v3.17 empowers developers to write Clean Code for IaC domains, plus brings a new format for the Rule Help feature and more!

With this release, SonarLint can analyze the following IaC files:

  • Terraform
  • CloudFormation
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes

With a focus on Security Hotspots, available in SonarLint when used in connected mode to SonarQube 9.7+, developers can create Clean Code for these popular Infrastructure as Code domains.

In addition, this release brings a new format for the Rule Descriptions with educational information to enhance the developer experience.

Now, when clicking on an issue's code in the Error List, you will be presented with contextualized guidance as follows:

Why this is an issue | How to fix it | More info 

Initially available for the top 15 security vulnerabilities, this feature is being progressively rolled out for all remaining rules, helping developers learn as they code.


  • New Python rules and quick fixes related to type hints and regular expressions.
  • 3 Java rules that cover design and architecture good practices for Monster Class, Brain Method, and Singleton.

For further details, check out our release notes and community announcement.

VS Code

March 24, 2023

SonarLint for VS Code v3.16

SonarLint for VS Code v3.16 delivers analysis of Jupyter notebooks, plus support for Go

Responding to the view that code quality is a major challenge with Jupyter notebooks, we are excited to announce that SonarLint now scans Python/IPython code!

Simply open the notebook and issues in your code will be squiggled by SonarLint in the code editor and also listed in the Problems view. In addition, SonarLint rule descriptions provide contextual help, plus a handy quick-fix option for easy remediation.

This represents the first step in empowering Data Scientists to create Clean Code


  • Support for Go analysis
  • A new "Help and feedback" view with handy links for raising any questions or issues using SonarLint.

For further details, check out our release notes and community announcement.

VS Code

March 08, 2023

SonarLint for VS Code v3.15

SonarLint for VS Code v3.15 brings automatic analysis of JavaScript code within your HTML files, plus new Quick Fixes for Java and Python.

With 300+ JavaScript detections supported by Sonar, each with a description to help you understand and fix the issue, this latest release from SonarLint empowers developers to write Clean JavaScript Code within their HTML files. In addition, 43 JavaScript rules have associated Quick Fixes to further help developers.


  • 11 new Quick Fixes for Java and 17 for Python

For further details, check out our release notes and community announcement.

VS Code

February 06, 2023

SonarLint for VS Code v3.14

SonarLint for VS Code v3.14 brings Security Hotspots reporting in your IDE, plus new rules for C++ users.

A Security Hotspot highlights a security-sensitive piece of code requiring developer review.

With this latest release, SonarLint can now directly report in VS Code any unreviewed Security hotspot that is present in the source files you are working on. 

This means any new hotspots introduced by you will be instantly flagged. Then, simply right-click on the Security Hotspot, and choose Review on Server, to open the Hotspot in SonarQube*, and set the output of the review. 

*Available for users of SonarQube (min version 9.7) in connected mode to SonarLint.

Plus 13 new rules to help with C++ 20's std::format feature


For further details, check out our release notes and community announcement.

VS Code

December 22, 2022

SonarLint for VS Code v3.13

SonarLint for VS Code v3.13 brings support for CSS code analysis, enabling developers to write clean front-end code.


Additionally, we have added:


For further details, check out our release notes and community announcement.

VS Code

November 22, 2022

SonarLint for VS Code v3.12

SonarLint for VS Code v3.12 delivers improvements to the investigation of taint vulnerabilities.


SonarLint can now display injection vulnerabilities for the whole project, irrespective of where the issue's sink is located. 


In addition, SonarLint will notify you immediately that SonarQube (v9.6 onwards) has detected new taint vulnerabilities in your project.


While taint vulnerabilities are not detected by SonarLint (this happens in SonarQube and SonarCloud), it's now even easier to investigate and fix them.


Plus, we've also added four new quick fixes for Python issues!


For further details, check out our release notes and community announcement.

VS Code

October 18, 2022

SonarLint for VS Code v3.11

SonarLint for VS Code v3.11 enhances the connected mode setup experience with a new, simplified authentication process to SonarQube.


Together with SonarQube v9.7, SonarLint now offers to automatically generate and securely store the authentication token for you.


  • Support for TypeScript 4.8 and for PHP 8.2


For further details, check out our release notes and community announcement.

VS Code

September 29, 2022

SonarLint for VS Code v3.10

SonarLint for VS Code v3.10 further simplifies connected mode setup for all developers working in a team, plus brings new rules for Python developers!


Using connected mode, SonarLint will offer to bind your local folders to remote projects analyzed by a SonarQube instance, or within a SonarCloud organization, you are connected to. Simply accept or reject the suggestion SonarLint provides.


Plus, for Python developers:

  • 7 new rules dedicated to ensuring the quality of your unit test code.


For further details, check out our release notes and community announcement.