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SonarQube Community Edition

SonarQube Community Edition provides development teams with a workflow-integrated solution to keep their codebase in a state of Clean Code. SonarQube Community Edition supports dozens of popular and classic programming languages, frameworks and cloud technologies.

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SonarQube Community Edition Features

the tooling you need to deliver better, cleaner code

Enable your team to systematically deliver code that meets high quality standards, for every project, at every step in the workflow.

Popular & classic languages support

Analyze the quality of the code in your preferred language. Support for dozens of popular & classic languages, frameworks & web technologies.

integration with DevOps platforms

Easy project onboarding with integration to GitHub, GitLab, Azure and Bitbucket; in-cloud & on-prem. Plus a Jenkins plugin and easy integration with popular CI tools and build systems.

clear go/no-go Sonar Quality Gate

Fail pipelines when the code quality doesn’t meet your defined requirements and prevent problems from being merged or deployed.

super-fast analysis

Super-fast analysis gets you actionable Clean Code metrics in minutes instead of hours.

shared, unified configurations

Align your team with a consistent definition of code health. Collaborate efficiently in making your code clean and meeting your team's code quality expectations.

Sonarlint IDE integration

Add the SonarLint extension to your favorite IDE and find code issues on the fly. SonarQube rules and analysis settings synchronize to SonarLint, aligning teams around a single standard of Clean Code.

supports dozens of popular languages, development frameworks and IaC platforms

  • Java
  • C Sharp Logo
  • VB Logo
  • Javascript Logo
  • Typescript Logo
  • Python Logo
  • PHP Logo
  • Terraform Logo
  • Cloudformation Logo
  • Docker
  • CSS Logo
  • Flex Logo
  • Go Logo
  • HTML5 Logo
  • Ruby Logo
  • Scala Logo
  • XML Logo
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unique, industry-leading Clean Code methodology

Clean as You Code approach

With Clean as You Code™, developers using SonarQube take ownership of code quality by only focusing on the code they add or change. New issues are quickly spotted and fixed early leading to a consistently improving codebase that is maintainable, reliable and safe.

Two developers work together to build new clean code

Sonar Quality Gate

The built-in Sonar Quality Gate provides a clear indicator if new/changed code meets the Clean Code standard. If the code passes the Sonar Quality Gate, you can be confident it's fit for production.

Sonar provides early SAST feedback around the number of Bugs, Vulnerabilities and code smells in your project

Short feedback loop

Increase development team speed and efficiency, reduce team friction and empower developers through rapid issue identification and short resolution timeframes.

With sonar you can assign issues to other developers to help keep your code clean
Community Edition

Full DevOps Integration

IDE Integration

SonarLint in your IDE means Clean Code starts at the keyboard. Sync rules with SonarQube and catch coding issues on the fly with SonarLint extensions for JetBrains, VS Code, Visual Studio and Eclipse.

Build integration

Out-of-the box support for popular CI engines such as Jenkins, Azure DevOps, TeamCity and CircleCI along with build platforms such as Gradle and Maven. 

Pipeline and promotion

SonarQube makes it easy to extend Clean Code good habits throughout your pipeline and into promotion process. 

Integrate code quality verification to existing pipelines and to promotion process.

need branch analysis?

SonarQube Developer Edition