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Building Confidence and Trust in AI-Generated Code

To tackle the accountability and ownership challenge accompanying AI-generated code, we are introducing Sonar AI Code Assurance

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We discovered flaws in Zimbra, an enterprise email solution, that allow attackers to steal credentials of users and gain access to their email accounts.
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Zimbra Email - Stealing Clear-Text Credentials via Memcache injection

We discovered flaws in Zimbra, an enterprise email solution, that allow attackers to steal credentials of users and gain access to their email accounts.

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Sonar’s analysis performance targets

We've finally defined our own performance goals for analysis - so that we're no longer subjecting ourselves to apples-to-oranges comparisons with tools that may not have the same goals or outcomes. Now, we can clearly state what you can expect from analysis, and how long analysis of a project should take under standardized conditions.

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We discovered vulnerabilities in Horde Webmail that allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on Horde instances by having a victim open an email
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Horde Webmail - Remote Code Execution via Email

We discovered vulnerabilities in Horde Webmail that allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on Horde instances by having a victim open an email

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We recently discovered two critical vulnerabilities in the IT monitoring dashboard Icinga Web. Let’s review their respective root cause and their patches!
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Path Traversal Vulnerabilities in Icinga Web

We recently discovered two critical vulnerabilities in the IT monitoring dashboard Icinga Web. Let’s review their respective root cause and their patches!

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VS Code has been gaining popularity for C and C++ development. We are happy to announce that finally, we will be able to help you write clean C and C++ code in VS Code.
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A C&C++ tour of SonarLint for VS Code

VS Code has been gaining popularity for C and C++ development. We are happy to announce that finally, we will be able to help you write clean C and C++ code in VS Code.

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We recently discovered a critical code vulnerability in RainLoop Webmail that allows attackers to steal all emails by sending a malicious mail.
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RainLoop Webmail - Emails at Risk due to Code Flaw

We recently discovered a critical code vulnerability in RainLoop Webmail that allows attackers to steal all emails by sending a malicious mail.

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For the second time in a year, we identified critical code vulnerabilities in a central component of the PHP supply chain. Let's dive into it!
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PHP Supply Chain Attack on PEAR

For the second time in a year, we identified critical code vulnerabilities in a central component of the PHP supply chain. Let's dive into it!

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The norm for setting up your cloud-native app infrastructure is quickly becoming Infrastructure as Code (IaC). In this blog, we’ll cover how Sonar is the solution for safeguarding your Ia...
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Clean Your Infrastructure Code with Sonar

The norm for setting up your cloud-native app infrastructure is quickly becoming Infrastructure as Code (IaC). In this blog, we’ll cover how Sonar is the solution for safeguarding your IaC invoked infrastructure.

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With this series, we present the results of our research on the security of popular developer tools with the goal of making this ecosystem safer: today’s article revisits Git integrations.
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Securing Developer Tools: Git Integrations

With this series, we present the results of our research on the security of popular developer tools with the goal of making this ecosystem safer: today’s article revisits Git integrations.

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Yarn, Pip, Composer & friends: Learn about 3 types of vulnerabilities we found in popular package managers that can be used by attackers to target developers.
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Securing Developer Tools: Package Managers

Yarn, Pip, Composer & friends: Learn about 3 types of vulnerabilities we found in popular package managers that can be used by attackers to target developers.

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5 things to consider in performance comparisons

When talking about static analysis and/or SAST performance comparisons - or really, comparisons of any kind of performance - what criteria do you consider? Maybe it was fast, but what did it accomplish? Here's what you ought to look at when you compare performance.

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