Register now to save your seat to be one of the first to see the key highlights of SonarQube 9.9 LTA right after it releases in February 2023.
We know this LTA is long awaited by all of our customers and users and more than ever we feel this release is for everyone! Get ready to hear directly from Sonar Sales Engineering Lead, Jeff Zapotoczny, and Product Marketing Lead, Kirti Joshi, about the advanced features that will be available to you and your teams to continue to ensure Clean Code. Always.
You don’t want to miss it! Spots are limited, so save your seat now to learn how SonarQube 9.9 LTA will continue to enable you and your teams to deploy clean code consistently and reliably.
Who this is intended for: SonarQube Customers, Users & Prospects interested in seeing the latest SonarQube LTA in action!
- APAC - February 16th @ 1:30 PM AEST - Register for APAC now!
- EMEA - February 16th @ 2 PM CET - Register EMEA now!
- Americas - February 16th @ 12 PM CST - Register for Americas now!