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July 25, 2024

Open issues in your IDE with SonarLint

You can now open an issue you are investigating in SonarCloud into your preferred IDE (VS Code, JetBrains IDEs, Visual Studio, and Eclipse) to fix it.

In connected mode, SonarLint will automatically open the correct file, and bring the focus to the line of code containing the issue.

Discover more here.


July 03, 2024

Integration with Amazon CodeCatalyst

We have enhanced the integration of SonarCloud with Amazon CodeCatalyst.

CodeCatalyst can now trigger the SonarCloud scan action during pipeline execution to automate code analysis. This will help you catch issues early and deliver high-quality software.

Learn more here

C sharp

April 24, 2024

Automatic analysis now supports .NET Framework projects

SonarCloud now supports automatic analysis for .NET Framework projects in GitHub. 

With this enhancement, the automatic analysis feature can now be used to analyze non-SDK projects, Shared Projects (shproj), and SDK-style projects.

Automatic analysis enables a 1-click analysis of your projects hosted in GitHub. More information is available here.

See also the Community announcement for details.

C sharp

April 15, 2024

New logging rules for .NET

We have released 15 new rules for .NET developers targeting best practices when writing logging code.

A blog C# Logging best practices with .NET is available.

See also the Community announcement and Sonar rules for details.

python color-icon

April 10, 2024

New rules to help developers working with TensorFlow

We have introduced 7 new rules to help you avoid common pitfalls when working with TensorFlow.

Please refer to the Community announcement for more details on each rule, plus check here to provide feedback, and see what’s coming up for Python in SonarCloud.

C Sharp Logo

March 28, 2024

Automatic analysis for .NET now supports web projects

Automatic analysis for .NET projects has been enhanced.

It will now discover issues in your cshtml and razor files, plus take advantage of new Blazor-specific rules. 

And, as we now analyze the templates, it will also uncover XSS security-impacting issues.

Discover more about automatic analysis here. Plus the supporting Community announcement.

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