superior code quality in your Bitbucket Cloud repositories

Enable your team to deliver the highest quality code consistently and efficiently with static code analysis seamlessly integrated into Bitbucket Cloud to find issues.

SonarCloud features for Bitbucket Cloud

extended quality static code analysis Bitbucket Cloud experience

Enhance your Bitbucket Cloud experience with SonarCloud and ensure only clean code will be added to the code base. With just a few clicks immerse yourself in a setup where code review and quality control become a breeze.

pull request decoration

Get instant code quality feedback directly inside your Bitbucket pull request and development branches making code reviews more effective and streamlined.

go/no-go Quality Gate

Ensure your GitLab pipelines halt when the quality of code doesn't meet your defined standards, making static code analysis a crucial step in your development process. Clean Code becomes the norm!

code review

Review and prioritize issue remediation during code reviews directly from Bitbucket Cloud fostering a proactive approach towards code quality enhancement.

monorepo support

Configure multiple Quality Gates and receive project-labeled messages in your Bitbucket Cloud mono repository,  ensuring code quality standards are met across all projects. 

Background image of bits of code connecting to each other

1-click login with your Bitbucket Cloud account

Start your free 14-day trial
loved by developers, trusted by organizations.

a must-have for your team

3 Billion

LoCs continuously analyzed


active projects


coding rules available

Easy onboarding, instant value

get your first analysis results in minutes

1-click sign-up with Bitbucket Cloud

A Bitbucket Cloud account is all you need. Simply log in and your SonarCloud account is created.

fast project onboarding

Import your project in seconds and analysis will trigger automatically. No setup needed for most languages.

super-fast analysis

After minutes you have the first analysis results ready and you can start improving your code right away.

Bitbucket Code Review

review code issues in Bitbucket Cloud

SonarCloud integration with Bitbucket Code Review helps you review and prioritize issues directly from your repo during your code reviews.

Learn More
reviewing vulnerability in BitBucket

Sonar’s Bitbucket CI/CD integration supports dozens of popular languages, development frameworks and IaC platforms

  • Java
  • Typescript Logo
  • Javascript Logo
  • Terraform Logo
  • Cloudformation Logo
  • C Sharp Logo
  • VB Logo
  • PHP Logo
  • Python Logo
  • C Logo
  • C++ Logo
  • Ruby Logo
  • Swift Logo
  • HTML5 Logo
  • CSS Logo
  • Go Logo
  • Scala Logo
  • Flex Logo
  • T-SQL Logo
  • XML Logo
  • PL/SQL Logo
  • ABAP Logo
  • Apex Logo
  • COBOL Logo
  • Docker
Deliver code with confidence

an essential tool for every development team

See all SonarCloud features
Achieve a state of Clean Code

instant pull request feedback

Accelerate your code reviews and systematically detect common issues, tricky bugs and security vulnerabilities. Fix coding flaws while code is fresh in mind and only merge clean, quality code every time.

The results of a pull request are shared
Quickly fix your code

clear remediation guidance

SonarCloud doesn't just find quality code issues, it also helps you quickly understand the problem along with contextual guidance on how to fix it. With SonarCloud in your corner, you'll learn as you code and improve your developer skills with every pull request, ensuring a continuous improvement in code quality!

Issues with code are revealed within the developers platform while guidance for remediation is provided from Sonar
Deliver with confidence

automated pipeline check

Check your code and catch problems before you merge a pull request. Optionally fail your pipeline in case of any problems so dirty code doesn't slip into production. Deliver with confidence knowing that the code delivered by the team is clean and consistent.

New code is represented as a rocket taking off after having passed the organization's quality gate.
Background image of bits of code connecting to each other

try a better way for your team to code

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