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our headquarters

Geneva, Switzerland

Mailing/Billing Address
SonarSource SA
PO Box 765 CH-1215, Geneva 15

Office Address
SonarSource SA
Route de Pré-Bois 1, CH - 1214, Vernier

our other locations

Austin TX, USA

Known for its eclectic live-music scene and often referred to as the 'Silicon Hills', Austin is a growing hub for high-tech companies and startups.

Annecy, France

Nestled in lakes and mountains and famous for its International Animated Film Festival, Annecy is located in the picturesque Southeastern region of France.

Bochum, Germany

Located in one of the largest metropolitan regions in Europe, Bochum is characterized by old coal and steel industries and is a central hub for business and digital research. 


A tropical and vibrant city-state, Singapore (also known as Lion City) is famous for being a global financial center and technology hub. The country is well known for its cleanliness, greenery, and dense population.


As one of the oldest cities in Europe, and the largest in Western Europe, the cosmopolitan capital of England is at the center of everything: art, history, culture. Lying astride the River Thames, London is seamlessly integrating history and technological growth towards the future.

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